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Prosperity Kitchen Podcast with Gemma McCrae

Sep 28, 2020

In today's podcast: Natural Fertility For Over 40's Series: Hypnotherapy, I hand the show over to my good friend and Hypnotherapist, AnneMarie Smellie, to take you through a hypnotherapy session to help you on your fertility journey and to trust your body and remain relaxed.

I firmly believe that on any fertility...

Sep 21, 2020

In today's podcast, Fertility for Over 40's Series: Nutrition, I talk to nutrition expert, Jenny Tschiesche, all about how to adapt your diet to boost your fertility in your 40's. Jenny Tschiesche (pronounced Teeshee) is one of the UK's leading nutrition experts and the founder of, a hugely popular...

Sep 14, 2020

In today's podcast, Fertility for Over 40's Series: Acupuncture, I talk to the amazing acupuncturist, Kim Child about how powerful acupuncture is for fertility in the over 40's. I personally used Kim when I encountered infertility problems and I truly believe her treatments and the advice she gave me during our...

Sep 7, 2020

In today's podcast, we have Guest Host, Verity Smith talking about being an Empath.

Are you one? If you're super sensitive to people and situations and feel super intuitive about "things" then this could be you and it could be the reason you're feeling soooo DRAINED! In the podcast, Verity outlines how you can identify...