Nov 26, 2018
In today's podcast I talk to yoga expert Juliet Lundholm all about wonderful YOGA. In particular we talk about how it helps with stress, how you can do yoga at home with limited space, how to start if you're a beginner and how to get fit post baby.
Nov 19, 2018
It’s been scientifically proven that being kind can make you happier. But we don’t need science to confirm this. Think about a time when you last helped a stranger. How did it make you feel when you walked away? At the very least, I imagine, useful, worthy. Probably happier. Acting kindly towards...
Nov 12, 2018
I talk to Malini Sarkhel about how reflexology can help with stress, anxiety and depression in today's podcast. She gives us tips of what we can do at home ourselves using reflexology points to help with insomnia, anxiety and depression. Malini Sarkhel is a fully qualified Reflexologist and has received a...
Nov 5, 2018
Being open-minded is the ability to embrace people, cultures and beliefs that are different to your own. It’s the ability to not immediately shut down when faced with a life situation which is completely different to your own. Ultimately, it means not being judgemental, and having the patience to try to understand an...