Dec 7, 2023
In today's podcast, Help! My Partner is Messy, I give you 7 steps to help you navigate living with a messy partner. In fact, not only do I give you 7 easy to implement, powerful steps that will transform your living arrangements. I also give you a further 4 booster (if all else fails) tips. If you live with someone...
Oct 23, 2023
In today's podcast, How to Love the Chores You Hate, I'm going to give you a two step process that will revolutionise how you approach the jobs or chores you hate to do. This system works on everything - admin, chores, occasions, literally anything. I personally loathe housework, loathe it. But for a various reasons, at...
Sep 14, 2023
In today's podcast, The Ultimate Public Speaking Hack, I give you one simple trick that is going to revolutionise how you conduct yourself when you're doing a presentation. In fact this trick will help you for interviews, all public speaking events and so much more. It personally changed my life back in 2017 when I...
Jun 13, 2023
In today's podcast, Help, I'm pregnant and depressed - Is this normal? I talk to Ali Jane Selwyn about her depression during her early stages of pregnancy. I also talk about my depression during both of my pregnancies.
Ali and I both researched the topic of pregnancy depression and found very little out there, hence we...
Mar 28, 2023
In today's podcast, I Hate My Job What Do I Do? I give you practical advice as to what you need to do if you hate your job but simply can't see a way to leave. I've notice that a majority of my clients to date in 2023 have come to me because they hate their jobs. This is no coincidence by the way. Lock down afforded...